TV Show Investments

TV Show styled production investment opportunities.

Invest in a TV show that is not a TV show? Why?

We have 2 projects in development, and are consulting with an associate about another, one being developed for Playboy television. Why do we call them “TV styled shows”? We believe the future of midlevel, niche based television will encompass new media. A truly succesful television show can be produced for less money with the right production line, and it’s delivery into multiple media markets at once will create not only an immediate wider audience, but also viral marketing that has been unheard of. Another component of out TV styled show investment opportunities is the conent of the shows, we believe that the content we are developing will reach a wide targer audience that will remain loyal regular viewers for a long long time.

Details about this venture will only be available to investors who are in the position to provide at least $150,000. We will consider venture funding, and corporate sponsorship for these projects. Corporate sponsors that can spend $20,000 or more to have product or branding placement in all media that is produced with these shows, contact us for updates on production and release availability.

Contact us for further information. Non disclosure agreements must be signed to discuss these projects.


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