Movie Investments

Movie Investment Opportunites

We have several movie projects that have been scripted. Some adult and a few mainstream movies. In some cases the complete treatment of each movie is already in the can, and a few have have scripts filled in with story board details. We expect the mainstream movie to be quite successful, as we have developed a main movie story, with 2 possible sequels, and the theme of the film will allow for a mini series to be developed that will capture and audience, and will command replays. Several stations will be interested in the rights to air this feature series, and it will surely be a controversial film with a lot of press.

We also have a few adult vide productions we’d like to see shot in HD, the actors and effects needed for these films will push the price for production into the six figures, but witth the success of Pirates shot on HD, we believe it will be an excellent venture.

Contact us for further information. Non disclosure agreements must be signed to discuss these projects.


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