Adult Investments

two more adult broker sites

Here are two more companies that are involved with adult entertainment brokering. I have seen several articles in adult video news relating to the adult broker – they seem to be making the right connections in several aspects of the adult entertainment industry.

Joanna Angel Signs Mainstream Distro Deal for Horror Porn Titles

We’ve been kicking around the idea of doing some independent horror movies for mainstream distribution. We’ve got the actors and actresses that will be perfect. We have special effects makeup artists and set designers on our team. The equipment to shoot and edit the video and music. With recent stories coming out about horror movies …

Joanna Angel Signs Mainstream Distro Deal for Horror Porn Titles Read More »

Bouncy Pictures Launching Modular Adult Investment Program

A concept we have been considering.. glad to see others thinking the same way. I have been imaging a system similar to how music has a points system for the amount of percentage from each album, and sometimes that point system varies project to project. I am looking forward to the details of how bouncy …

Bouncy Pictures Launching Modular Adult Investment Program Read More »