I an article posting via AVN, very strict guidelines are set for content providers of mobile pictures, video, music and more by various wireless carriers.
It appears that for both consumers and adult content providers, the choice of wireless carrier can have a huge impact upon the amount of hardcore content being available. At least as according to the guidelines that were established today. I expect that these guidelines will certainly be reexamined and adjusted later. For now it seems that a fully clothed men with larger than the average package (as determined by who?), will not be downloadable from Verizon. Femal nudes may be permissable however; thier category: “Medium Shot Rear Nude — Female,” which allows the photo if the legs are not up or apart… So nudes may be downloaded and sold through Verizon? I am not sure at this time, but the outlook appears to be best for Virgin Mobile, who is taking a more lenient approach to censoring the adult content …