Our new erotic stories written by our exclusive G.A.M.E. sex goddess now available online. You can order them by the theme or the whole shebang. We will have updates and add ons every month! Custom stories to suit your site’s theme also available - contact us for details!
You can read excerpts from the stories by clicking the links on the left or below.
Careful what you wish for (Mandy’s slave training part one) Mandy’s slave training (part two) Principle Lee’s Punishment You know what I want (and how to give it to me) Good girl goes bad Moving up (business - it’s a man’s world) Giving in (to my boyfriends desires)
You can buy the license to use these stories on your member sites for $5 each or $19.95 for the seven story starter pack!
These are exclusive stories written by our lover of lust herselfe the G.A.M.E. sex goddess! Real erotic fantasies for your site. Custom stories available upon request - contact us for details!